Currency field defaulting currency code to local currency after section refresh
I am facing an issue where a Currency control we are displaying on the UI, using the 3-digit currency ISO code with the "Other currency" presentation tab setting, is defaulting back to the $ (assuming due to my assigned locale on my operator) after a section refresh driven off of a local action from another control.. expectation is that even after section refreshes, we'd want to persist the ISO code on the UI for the amount.
It's worth mentioning that this same field is also set via a declare expression that sums a list of values. Maybe the refresh section paired with declare expression executing is causing some error on the backend?
Has anyone faced this before, or know any potential solutions? Thinking it might be some issue with Pega product and the order of operations occurring.. wanted to check here before opening SR.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: I found out the issue is being caused by the Declare Expression that sets the value on the case. So upon triggering the declare expression, the currency field UI control reverts to local currency symbol...need a workaround for this.