
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 14 Jan 2016 1:13 EST
How to propmt user before submitting a flowaction (7.1.9)
OOTB "close" action prompts user if there are any unsaved changes.
What is the best way to implement similar prompt feature before submitting a flow action?
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
I tried to simulate similar kind of behavior at my end and was able to make it work as per your requirement.
Please review the attached document for details

Pegasystems Inc.
An alert generally comes if the data are not saved. Since via submit button we are trying to finish an assignment, it takes care of saving the data automatically hence no such alert gets displayed !
So I would like to know what exactly you want to prompt the users on click of the submit button of a flow action ?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Santanu,
I wanted to display a modal dialog when user clicks the submit button of flow actions. (It has nothing to do with input dirty check)
On the modal dialog, I need to display "OK" and "Cancel" button.
If user select "OK", the flow action should be performed and the flow should be resumed (go to next assignment)
If user select "Cancel" the flow action should Not be performed and the flow should Not be resumed (stay on current assignment).

Pegasystems Inc.
Now the requirement is clear. Let me try it out in my lab and I will get back to you on this.
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
I tried to simulate similar kind of behavior at my end and was able to make it work as per your requirement.
Please review the attached document for details

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Santanu,
Thanks for your post!
I just verified your approach on my local.
The "OK" action worked as expected, however the "Cancel" action didn't work as expected.
The screen moved to "Review" harness, as I clicked "Cancel" button on the modal dialog.
I want the "Cancel" button behave as same as the "X" (close) icon on the right upper corner of modal dialog.
Is it possible?

Pegasystems Inc.