
How to programmatically trigger the click on a link in Pega
Hello all I am trying to use jQuery in order to programmatically click on a dropdown on one of the pega pages. However, it does not seem to do anything.
I can not seem to do the following (click the Add button > click Attach File(s):
The HTML for this looks like this:
Hello all I am trying to use jQuery in order to programmatically click on a dropdown on one of the pega pages. However, it does not seem to do anything.
I can not seem to do the following (click the Add button > click Attach File(s):
The HTML for this looks like this:
<td class="dataValueWrite" style="width:162px;">
<script src="webwb/pega_yui_menu_154956905.js!pega_yui_button_13563920726.js!!.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div class="SplitButton">
<nobr><span id="attachButtonContainer" style="display: inline; visibility: visible;"></span></nobr>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="buttonMainTable">
<td class="buttonTdLeft" onclick="if(typeof(pega) !='undefined' && pega.u.d) pega.u.d.fireButtonClick(this.parentNode);">
<div class="buttonLeftContent">
<div class="buttonLeftContentInner">
<td class="buttonTdMiddle" nowrap><span class="yui-button yui-menu-button" id="mb1"><span class="first-child"><button tabindex="0" type="button"><span class="yui-button yui-menu-button" id="mb1">Add</span></button></span></span></td>
<td class="buttonTdRight" onclick="if(typeof(pega) !='undefined' && pega.u.d) pega.u.d.fireButtonClick(this.parentNode);">
<div class="buttonRightContent">
<div class="buttonRightContentInner">
<input id="atchTyp" name="$PpyWorkPage$ppyAttachmentType" type="hidden" value="">
and the associated JS for this seems to be this:
pega.u.d.fieldValuesList.put("MENUBUTTON_DEFAULT_TITLE","Menu collapsed. Click to expand.");
pega.u.d.fieldValuesList.put("MENUBUTTON_MENU_VISIBLE_TITLE","Menu expanded. Click or press Esc to collapse.");
var oSel = pega.util.Dom.getElementsById('mb1Sel');
var parentTD = "";
if(oSel != null && oSel[0] != null) {
var aOptns = oSel[0].options;
var iLen = aOptns.length;
var txtValMap = new Object();
for(var i=0; i<iLen; i++)
var oMB1 = new pega.widget.Button("mb1", { type: "menu",
menu: "mb1Sel"});
var oMenu = oMB1.getMenu();
oMenu.clickEvent.subscribe(onMOptnClk, txtValMap, true);
pega.util.Event.addListener(document.getElementById("HARNESS_CONTENT"), "scroll", function(){ oMenu.hide();}, oMenu, true);
var oSel2 = pega.util.Dom.getElementsById('mb1Sel');
if(oSel2 != null && oSel2[0] != null) {
oSel2[0].style.display = 'block';
oSel2[0].style.visibility = 'visible';
var sBC = pega.util.Dom.getElementsById('attachButtonContainer');
if (sBC != null && sBC[0] != null) {
sBC[0].style.display = 'inline';
sBC[0].style.visibility = 'visible';
function onMOptnClk(ev, args, txtValMap) {
ev = args[0];
var o = pega.util.Dom.getElementsById('atchTyp');
var txt = "";
txt = pega.util.Dom.getInnerText(pega.util.Event.getTarget(ev));
var val = txtValMap[txt];
if(val != null) {
o[0].value = val;
if(val == 'ECM'){
pega.u.d.processAction('AttachmentForECM', '', '','','',true,ev);
}else if (val == 'File'){
pega.u.d.processAction('pyAttachContent', '', '','','',true,ev);
}else {
pega.u.d.processAction('Attachment', '', '','','',true,ev);
When trying the following, nothing seems to happen (open the Add button):
Even just trying to bypass opening the Add box and just simply click on the Attach File(s) doesnt seem to work either:
Is there a Pega API to do this? Or am i trying to get the incorrect ID for these things?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****