
Last activity: 17 Mar 2017 12:09 EDT
How to pass a variable to a Field parameter in the Property-Set-Messages method?
I have an Activity, where I use Property-Set-Messages method for fields validation. I also have a Local variable propNameOrig and it's string reference, that I got in the previous Java step: ClipboardProperty propOrig = workPage.getProperty(tools.getParamValue("propNameOrig")); String propOrigRef = propOrig.getReference(); The propblem that I can't pass my propOrig property in the Field method parameter, as it doesn't accept String, and this property couldn't be saved to a Local variable as is has ClipboardProperty type. It only works when I specify the concrete field, e.g., .Sender.Address. Here is the screenshot: Could someone suggest me is there any way to pass the variable in the Field parameter? Maybe some function from @Utilities or @Default. Thanks in advance.