How to pass file content(Base64) from JavaScript to ClipBoard
I have file content inBase64 String in javascript into the i-frame. I need to pass this value to ClipBoard in Pega.
how we can pass the content of scan documents (Base64) String to the clipboard in Pega?
I have tried serveral alternatives as follow:
- JSP notation (<%=tools.getPrimaryPage().getProperty("FileBase64").setValue("value")%> )
- It don´t runs because the syntax don´t allow add the "value" as a JavaScript parameter.
- Get method (pega.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET', bSafeURL.toURL(),'');)
- This option works but only for short strings, Base64 value is too long and it is not supported.
- Using Get OST method . When trying to send the string by this method it does not recognize it.(pega.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST, bSafeURL.toURL(),'');)
- It has the same problem than Get Method.
- Can I configure an activity? How can I pass parameters to the activity from JavaScript to Pega?
Thanks in advance.
***Edited by Moderator Marije to change type from General to Product, added Product details and Capability tags****