
Srinsoft Technology
Last activity: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT
How to pass DSS rule into function in pega
Hi All,
Could you please help me here , want to pass DSS values into below function.
want to get the values from DSS (A-Za-z @'()\"-./0-9#$%*_:;<>\\\\)
The below function is working as expected, but in future if they need some change in special charectars again it would be code change, instead of that need to get from DSS.
java.util.regex.Pattern pattern=java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("[^A-Za-z @'()\"-./0-9#$%*_:;<>\\\\]"); java.util.regex.Matcher match=pattern.matcher(new String(theValue)); boolean status= match.find(); if(status) { return false; } else { return true; }