
Last activity: 9 Nov 2018 3:27 EST
How to limit offers within strategy?
Hi Team,
We have a requirement to limit offers for an email channel.
We can not use volume constraint ,as we have some randomization logic on the offers inside our strategy.
The filtering logic needs to be there within the strategy after randomization.
Can you please share your suggestion to implement this functionality.
PFA the screenshot of the strategy.
Thanks and Regards
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We are using pega marketing v7.4.

We yet to find out a solution for the requirement mentioned above.
It will be really helpful to us if some one come up with any suggestion/solution approach.
Thanks and Regards
Souvik Rang
Kensho Tsuchihashi Tanay Bal Toshi Sato Siddhant Suryakant Jivane Tom Zhang and 4 More

Pegasystems Inc.
Why can't you use volume constraints? Please elaborate on your reference to randomization being the reason.
You shared a picture of a strategy that evaluates some offers for a customer (remember strategies evaluate customer at a time). What do you expect to happen next? Asked in another way, what is your business requirement? What is the business outcome you that you want to achieve?

Hi Saleem,
Suppose, the segment we are using in a campaign is picking up 100 customers and we are having a strategy which will filter out the customers.
Now, out of 100 customers, 20 customers are not filling the eligibility criteria.
For the rest of 80 customers ,we are having 50-50 randomization for two propositions - 'No-Offer' and 'Email Offer'.
So, 'Email Offer' will be sent to 40 customers after randomization.
Now suppose we need to limit the Email Offer to 25. Then If we use volume constraint the result will be like : Non eligible-20,No Offer-40,Email Offer-25.
Our expectation is to show the excluded Email Offers also.
Which will be - total Email Offer after randomization(40) - Email offer in the strategy result(25) =15 (Excluded email offer)
So, our expected result would be like:Non eligible-20,No Offer-40,Email Offer-25,Excluded email offer-15.
Thanks and Regards
Souvik Rang

Pegasystems Inc.
The randomization will happen in the strategy and will split your eligible customers into those customer that will get an offer and those that don’t. For those that do get the offer, Volume constraints will do any limit caps you need. What is it that you think you are missing...reporting of some kind?

Hi Saleem,
Did you got a chance to look into this issue?
Thanks and Regards
Souvik Rang

Hi Saleem,
We can understand that using volume constraint we can limit the offer.
But the problem is if we are using volume constraint , we are not able to display the excluded offer count to the end user.
Suppose total 100 offers got generated and with volume constraint we are limiting the offers to 75.
Then in UI, only 75 offers will be displayed and those will be processed in the offer flow.
We need to capture the excluded offers (in this example 100-75=25) also.
Is there any way to achieve this?
Thanks and Regards
Souvik Rang