
Estes Express Lines
Last activity: 23 Feb 2023 12:39 EST
How to limit the application test coverage metrics to ruleset versions from a Product rule
As per my understanding Pega OOTB supports the test coverage metrics generated at application level or a user level. During the Pega Dev Ops deployment, "Enable test coverage" starts a new session for application level test coverage and then this can be validated using "Validate test coverage".
Would like to see if there are any approaches to limit the test coverage scope to the delta changes (i.e. to limit to the rules covered by all ruleset versions from a product rule) lined up for a deployment from Dev to QA environment.
Appreciate your responses on possible approaches.
Also reviewed below community question where a response states that this can be limited to a specific period of rule changes by specifying a start date for test coverage report generation where the report considers the rule changes from the given date till the report generated date.
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***