Ernst & Young LLP
Last activity: 13 Jun 2020 3:31 EDT
How to identify DOM Event Object for launchLocalAction
Hi Team,
Am trying to use launchLocalAction: Public JS API for Actions inorder to call a flow action.
Below is the syntax
var options = {
flowAction: “flowActionName ",
displayMode: pega.api.ui.constants.REPLACE_CURRENT / pega.api.ui.constants.OVERLAY / pega.api.ui.constants.MODAL_DIALOG",
event: eventObject,
flowActionClass: "className" ,
contextPage: "pageName",
skinFormat: "skinFormat",
template: "templateName",
isMobileFullScreen: true/false,
revealEffectName: "animtionName",
closingEffectName: "animtionName",
closeOnClickAway: true/ false,
centerOverlay: true/false
Can someone guide how to get event property
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