
Last activity: 26 Feb 2016 6:50 EST
How to handle the re-opening of the work object, which was sent to the next assignment in the same flow.
I have a List View with work objects. I'm opening the object and performing the assignment. Then the work object goes to next assignment in the same flow. If I update the list view this work object disappears(it is not right). But if I don't update the list view, I can open the object and work with it further(it is not right), because both assignments located in one flow. How can I avoid this?
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Igor,
Do you have any conditions on your ListView ? Which PRPC version are you running ?

Hi Marc,
We haven't any conditions on ListView. ListView is using a View in Oracle DB. All conditions for displaying work objects for users are created are there
PRPC Version 6.1 SP2

Pegasystems Inc.
Oh a VIEW, a complex VIEW ? What tables are looking at ? And if you look into the database, can you see the case you were expecting to have in your ListView ?

Yes, it is complex view. Used a table PC_ASSIGN_WORKBASKET and join with other tables. After perfoming assignment the data in view doesn't change. But in listview is used "join" with table "PR_INDEX_WORKPARTY_LEGAL" with condition PR_INDEX_WORKPARTY_LEGAL.PartyIdentifier = "User_identifier". And after performing assignment the current user disappears from the workparty and he should no longer see this work object in listview.

The problem doesn't been solved

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Igor,
When you reassign the work object, does it get assigned to a user's worklist or to a workbasket? My guess is that the item is on a worklist, so the assignment lives in pc_assign_worklist. You can confirm that by looking at the database or the assignment object (the pxObjClass of the NewAssign page if you open the assignment).

Hi Mike,
It gets assigned to a user's to a workbasket. It was in work basket and stayed there. And his pzinskey in pc_assign_workbasket doesn't changed.

This situation sounds very similar to an ootb one, so if you look at how the ootb one works, it should give you some ideas. Perhaps better yet, maybe you can merely use the ootb one.
The ootb one I am thinking of is the standard work list display that appears in standard portals such as the work manager portal. That display, similar to the report you have described, needs to properly show the work items, and it has to properly update the list when a work item has been chosen from the list and the flow has been advanced to the next assignment. /Eric

Hi Eric,
You wrote: "and it has to properly update the list when a work item has been chosen from the list". I don't need to update the list, because it will lead to conversion to the database.