
Last activity: 6 Jul 2022 23:15 EDT
How to get the pzInsKey of an activity and pass it as a parameter to another activity?
Hi all,
The task is to replicate the Run activity from Action's dropdown to be configured in a custom section so that when we click a button, it will open a window where we can enter activity XYZ's parameters then run it. Just like when we run an activity straight from the rule itself but we need to do it from a custom section. For the task, I need to use "WBRun" activity where it requires the activity XYZ's pzInsKey. WBRun will find the activity and open the window so that we can enter the parameters and execute the activity. The problem is that currently the pzInsKey is hardcoded so the question is that is there a way to dynamically set the activity XYZ's pzInsKey?
Any other ideas on how to replicate run activity from the action dropdown in a custom section are welcome