
Bluerose Technologies Pvt Ltd
Last activity: 25 Jan 2019 13:59 EST
How to get count of word occurrence in a file
I would like to know is there any OOTB functions available to get the count of a specific word occurred in a string file. For Instance, In Pega i am reading below xml file as a string and i need to know how many times does "</Address>" tag present in that string. It would be great if someone helps me out. Thanks in advance
I would like to know is there any OOTB functions available to get the count of a specific word occurred in a string file. For Instance, In Pega i am reading below xml file as a string and i need to know how many times does "</Address>" tag present in that string. It would be great if someone helps me out. Thanks in advance
<PurchaseOrders> <PurchaseOrder PurchaseOrderNumber="99503" OrderDate="1999-10-20"> <Address Type="Shipping"> <Name>Ellen Adams</Name> <Street>123 Maple Street</Street> <City>Mill Valley</City> <State>CA</State> <Zip>10999</Zip> <Country>USA</Country> </Address> <Address Type="Billing"> <Name>Tai Yee</Name> <Street>8 Oak Avenue</Street> <City>Old Town</City> <State>PA</State> <Zip>95819</Zip> <Country>USA</Country> </Address> <DeliveryNotes>Please leave packages in shed by driveway.</DeliveryNotes> <Items> <Item PartNumber="872-AA"> <ProductName>Lawnmower</ProductName> <Quantity>1</Quantity> <USPrice>148.95</USPrice> <Comment>Confirm this is electric</Comment> </Item> <Item PartNumber="926-AA"> <ProductName>Baby Monitor</ProductName> <Quantity>2</Quantity> <USPrice>39.98</USPrice> <ShipDate>1999-05-21</ShipDate> </Item> </Items> </PurchaseOrder> <PurchaseOrder PurchaseOrderNumber="99505" OrderDate="1999-10-22"> <Address Type="Shipping"> <Name>Cristian Osorio</Name> <Street>456 Main Street</Street> <City>Buffalo</City> <State>NY</State> <Zip>98112</Zip> <Country>USA</Country> </Address> <Address Type="Billing"> <Name>Cristian Osorio</Name> <Street>456 Main Street</Street> <City>Buffalo</City> <State>NY</State> <Zip>98112</Zip> <Country>USA</Country> </Address> <DeliveryNotes>Please notify me before shipping.</DeliveryNotes> <Items> <Item PartNumber="456-NM"> <ProductName>Power Supply</ProductName> <Quantity>1</Quantity> <USPrice>45.99</USPrice> </Item> </Items> </PurchaseOrder> <PurchaseOrder PurchaseOrderNumber="99504" OrderDate="1999-10-22"> <Address Type="Shipping"> <Name>Jessica Arnold</Name> <Street>4055 Madison Ave</Street> <City>Seattle</City> <State>WA</State> <Zip>98112</Zip> <Country>USA</Country> </Address> <Address Type="Billing"> <Name>Jessica Arnold</Name> <Street>4055 Madison Ave</Street> <City>Buffalo</City> <State>NY</State> <Zip>98112</Zip> <Country>USA</Country> </Address> <Items> <Item PartNumber="898-AZ"> <ProductName>Computer Keyboard</ProductName> <Quantity>1</Quantity> <USPrice>29.99</USPrice> </Item> <Item PartNumber="898-AM"> <ProductName>Wireless Mouse</ProductName> <Quantity>1</Quantity> <USPrice>14.99</USPrice> </Item> </Items> </PurchaseOrder> </PurchaseOrders>
Thanks & REgards,