
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 24 Apr 2018 21:36 EDT
How to get attachments file size
There is a field called "pyFileSize" in Data-WorkAttach-File class which I guess was planned to be built to hold the file size. However, unfortunately this property seems not to be used nor is there any functionality or API to obtain the file size.
Requirement is to get file size for all attachments and after much consideration I built an activity to call Oracle's DBMS_LOG package (GETLENGTH function) for pzPVStream column using CONNECT-SQL. However, the size is quite bigger than the actual size.. it varies but about 10%, sometimes more than 20%+. I need more accurate file size but how can I achieve this?
Please see attached for my code (DBMS_LOG package approach) and let me know if there is better approach.