
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 17 Dec 2020 13:38 EST
How to change the maximum file size for attachments
In Pega 8x, below interface is provided for user to attach a file to a case. You can either (1) drag and drop files, or (2) specify files from "Select file" button.
I want to change the maximum file size. By default, the maximum file size for above two approaches are different.
(1) Drag and drop: The maximum file size is 45MB as below picture shows.
(2) Select files: The maximum file size is 1024MB as below picture shows.
The same interface for the same purpose has two different specifications.
Per my research, I have figured how to change (2), by updating either System Settings (rule instance) or Dynamic System Settings (data instance). Here is how to do it.
(2) - 1. System Settings approach (pyMaxDragDropAttachSizeMB):
In Pega 8x, below interface is provided for user to attach a file to a case. You can either (1) drag and drop files, or (2) specify files from "Select file" button.
I want to change the maximum file size. By default, the maximum file size for above two approaches are different.
(1) Drag and drop: The maximum file size is 45MB as below picture shows.
(2) Select files: The maximum file size is 1024MB as below picture shows.
The same interface for the same purpose has two different specifications.
Per my research, I have figured how to change (2), by updating either System Settings (rule instance) or Dynamic System Settings (data instance). Here is how to do it.
(2) - 1. System Settings approach (pyMaxDragDropAttachSizeMB):
Find below rule instance and override it to your ruleset. Change the value per your production level.
(2) - 2. Dynamic System Settings approach (prconfig/Initialization/MaximumFileUploadSizeMB/default):
Create a new DSS named "prconfig/Initialization/MaximumFileUploadSizeMB/default" with Owning ruleset "Pega-Engine". Set file size in the value.
Both above approaches work for (2) "Select file" button interface (DSS has precedence over System Settings). However, still these approaches won't affect (1) drag and drop maximum file size. So my question is how to change this guy.
FYI, I have located a control rule named "pzMultiDragDropControlStandard" as below. This rule is not auto-generated Java based control. I could find the default value, 45MB as below, and it worked when I changed this by private check out, but this rule is FINAL. That means I am not supposed to override it.
What is the easiest way to change this value?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update Platform Capability tags****