
Last activity: 11 Sep 2018 4:14 EDT
how to fetch large(30k) data from BLOB in Table grid and sort it
Hi Team ,
I have following bug:
in 7.2 , records from pc_work are fetched using RDB-list and displayed in ListView 100 at a time through custom pagination. additional 100 records got fetched when changed pagination. In this case Sorting was done through custom code like fragment . Now in 7.3 we are using Table grid to display data. and OOTB pagination. performance is slow when fetched more that 1000 records. how this can be optimized? Fetching 100 records at atime creates issue in sorting. Need to sort all records . 15 columns need to be displayed. Using pagelist to source Datapage which is source to Table.
Thanks in Advance!