
Last activity: 17 Jan 2019 6:00 EST
How does Agile Workbench screenshot functionality work in Chrome?
I'm trying to enable screenshot functionality in Pega CSR 7.3.1 in Chrome and have found that the Agile Workbench has a working screenshot functionality that uses the Pega Screen and Video Capture extension for Chrome.
I'm trying to enable this functionality from the Interaction Portal and have made some progress but need some help, preferably from a Pega developer.
How the screen capture seems to work:
Clicking the "Capture Screen" button in Agile Workbench (see Agile Workbench.PNG) triggers two functions "cleanBeforeStart_GI" and "screenCaptureInit_GI", both available in pzagilesmartfeedback.js (see pzagilesmartfeedback.txt and pzagilesmartfeedback.PNG). These in turn trigger a bunch of other functions available in either pzagilesmartfeedback.js or pzpega_ui_gapidentifier.js (see pzpega_ui_gapidentifier.txt and pzpega_ui_gapidentifier.PNG).
The result is a small screen capture window (see Capture Screen.PNG). Clicking "Capture screen" here triggers the function "captureScreen_GI" (this is the part I'm interested in).
As far as I can tell the Pega Screen and Video Capture extension takes over from here (see Share screen.PNG).
Once the screenshot has been "shared", Pega takes back control and adds it to a user story in the Agile Workbench, but I assume this could be changed so the attachment could be added to another work item.
What I have done:
I'm trying to enable screenshot functionality in Pega CSR 7.3.1 in Chrome and have found that the Agile Workbench has a working screenshot functionality that uses the Pega Screen and Video Capture extension for Chrome.
I'm trying to enable this functionality from the Interaction Portal and have made some progress but need some help, preferably from a Pega developer.
How the screen capture seems to work:
Clicking the "Capture Screen" button in Agile Workbench (see Agile Workbench.PNG) triggers two functions "cleanBeforeStart_GI" and "screenCaptureInit_GI", both available in pzagilesmartfeedback.js (see pzagilesmartfeedback.txt and pzagilesmartfeedback.PNG). These in turn trigger a bunch of other functions available in either pzagilesmartfeedback.js or pzpega_ui_gapidentifier.js (see pzpega_ui_gapidentifier.txt and pzpega_ui_gapidentifier.PNG).
The result is a small screen capture window (see Capture Screen.PNG). Clicking "Capture screen" here triggers the function "captureScreen_GI" (this is the part I'm interested in).
As far as I can tell the Pega Screen and Video Capture extension takes over from here (see Share screen.PNG).
Once the screenshot has been "shared", Pega takes back control and adds it to a user story in the Agile Workbench, but I assume this could be changed so the attachment could be added to another work item.
What I have done:
I have added pzagilesmartfeedback.js and pzpega_ui_gapidentifier.js to UserWorkForm and I'm able to call them from Interaction Portal (verified through various alerts and console logs). While the functions are getting triggered, I never see Capture Screen.PNG or Share screen.PNG. The working theory is that some functions required are in other JavaScript files which we haven't found yet and therefore not added to UserWorkForm. For example "screenCaptureBeforeInit" which is used at line 808 in pzagilesmartfeedback.js is not a function that is available in any of the two JavaScript files.
If anyone knows how the Screen Capture function in Agile Workbench works or how I can further debug the functionality, your support is greatly appreciated.
Note: I raised an SR (SR-C84483) but it was quickly dismissed as "out of scope" and I was directed to the forum. I have also added the information in my old post
But thought it was cleaner to make a new post for this specific feature.
All the best,
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated SR details***