
Last activity: 11 Jun 2018 8:35 EDT
How do you create an Audience of customers whose birthdays are next month?
In Pega Marketng, I'm trying to create an audience segment where one of the criteria is that the customer's birthday is next month. Currently the way we are doing it is by using the following equality:
where we are using the following OOTB functions from calculation builder:
- Subtract: Subtract [numeric value 1] From [numeric value 2]
- Month Number: The month number of [Date Value]
- Current Date Time: The current system date and time as a DateTime value
So for example, today's date is April 26, 2018 and the customer's birthday is May 1, 1980, we get Subtract (4) From (5) which gives us 1. Thus this customer will be part of the audience segment.
However this formula does not work when the current month is December and we are trying to get customers whose birthdays are in January, be cause we will get Subtract (12) From (1) which gives -11.
In Pega Marketng, I'm trying to create an audience segment where one of the criteria is that the customer's birthday is next month. Currently the way we are doing it is by using the following equality:
where we are using the following OOTB functions from calculation builder:
- Subtract: Subtract [numeric value 1] From [numeric value 2]
- Month Number: The month number of [Date Value]
- Current Date Time: The current system date and time as a DateTime value
So for example, today's date is April 26, 2018 and the customer's birthday is May 1, 1980, we get Subtract (4) From (5) which gives us 1. Thus this customer will be part of the audience segment.
However this formula does not work when the current month is December and we are trying to get customers whose birthdays are in January, be cause we will get Subtract (12) From (1) which gives -11.
Are there any better ways to go about this? In the future we may also need to do filtering involving other dates where the year is not relevant (hence we cannot use the function Difference in Months) and would really rather not worry about special cases. I also feel that the solution above is not really intuitive to a marketing user.
I'm thinking along the lines of
MonthNumber( Cust.cust_dob ) = MonthNumber(CurrentDate+Months(1))
But I'm unsure how to implement the Months(1) part.