How to get the first and last days of the month?
I would like to get the first day of the month and the last day of the month and use them as the criteria for Validate.
For example;
To allow only the input of dates from July 1st to 31st, the dates July 1st and 31st are acquired.
When I checked, I thought that Function "getStartAndEndOfMonthOfGivenDate" could be used,
but I think that the time may be obtained instead of the desired date.
Look at the line "3,4,10,11" of Java in the 4th step of Activity "pyAggregatePerformanceMonth" where this function is used.
Since the result is stored in a variable named "Time", I think that the time may be obtained instead of the desired date.
If you know it, I would be grateful if you could teach me.
Thank you.
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