
Last activity: 21 Jan 2022 22:55 EST
How do I efficiently compare duplicates within specific properties in a pagelist?
Hi all,
I am planning on configuring a data transform or activity that checks for a match on two properties within a pagelist. For example I have a pagelist: "results". For each page in results, First I want to verify if the value of property1 in that page is 'true'. If so, then I want to take a property2 from that page and compare it against other pages for a match. If there is a match, I can use that for validation purposes. Ideally the requirement is property2 should not match against any other property2 in the iteration.
Basically I want to validate duplicates in property2 :
1) Check 1st page
2) If property1 = true, proceed and save property 2 to a list for comparison
3) Check next page
4) If property 1 != true then skip page (not equals)
5) If property 1 = true, compare property2 in this page to list
6) If match, no need to move further
7) If no match, save this property as well to the list and continue iteration
Can I use 'countInPageList' method and verify after validating property1 is true in the page? And would data transform be efficient for this? If any clarification is required, please let me know. Will appreciate a timely response, thanks!