
Last activity: 17 Sep 2017 21:38 EDT
How to display a text based on the checkbox selection
Actually i have two questions:
1.I have a dropdown with 8 values in the prompt list.
Now the requirement has changed.....the dropdown control should be checkbox and the same prompt values should be used for Checkbox too
Can we achieve this?(8 checkboxes in a section should reference only one value)
2.After doing the above thing...
Based on selecting the checkbox....the respective text should be displayed on on one comments field
Pls help.
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VELLANKI Gayathri Tejaswini Prabhakar Vyavahare krishna vamsi chellapilla -
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Praveen,
Could you please clarify the bellow queries to have a clear idea of the scenario?
1. If I have get it right, you want to update your design such that for each value present in the Dropdown, you will show a checkbox icon. However, if we are going with this design, users will be able to select multiple checkboxes at a time, which is not possible with dropdown. Could you please confirm, if as per your use-case, users are suppose to select multiple values?
2. Can't we go with a radio button control, as this will mimic the behavior of DropDown control.
Please let me know your views on above.

Hi Ajit...
ur understanding is correct.
Please tell me the Solution.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Praveen,
You can follow the below approach.
1. Create a property with a table type as Prompt List and control as Radio Button.
2. On the concerned section, refer this property.
3. Configure an action set on this control, to copy the value of the selected value on the comment field( for your 2nd requirement.)
Please try the above solution and get back to us with the outcome.
VELLANKI Gayathri Venkata Narayana

Thanks for the solution...I will try this out
Updated: 2 Feb 2016 7:27 EST

Virtusa Global IT Services Company
Hi Praveen,
I guess we cannot create 8 checkboxes in a section with one Property Reference. The best way would be the Radio Button as suggested by Ajit.
If you really need a checkbox, you need to create 8 Properties to store the value

I believe you can add an action set on the control that you use (Radio Button is what was recommended by Ajit and Ramakrishnan) in order to update the property feeding the Comments Field and then do a section refresh to display the updated value.

Coforge DPA
Hi Team,
We can achieve this by Using the RadioButtons,On click of this do a refresh of the section and Display the Standard Value(if u are using a local list).