How to display message on UI when max character limit has been reached?
We have a requirement to have a Text area limit the user to a maximum of 4000 characters and to display the remaining count left. They also want to have a message on the UI in a box (or not in a box if possible) to say 'Character Limit Reached' when the user hits the maximum character limit of 4000 characters in the text area. We have implemented the first portion setting the max limit to 4000 and checking the box under Presentation for Display character count.
We need to implement the message box appearing when the character limit is reached. I was going to try hiding a label/message unless the length of the text in the area is >= 4000, but are there any other current implementations to do this other than hiding another text area to appear on this condition? We would preferably want something like a pop-up to appear once the limit has been reached.