
IP Australia
Last activity: 3 Jul 2024 9:29 EDT
How to display a banner in Constellation
We have a requirement to display a case wide message to the user based on certain flag property
Example below, how to achieve this from constellation.
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 3 Jul 2024 9:29 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
To use the banner component you would need to create and publish a DX component to your application. The Constellation DX components ( documentation explains about this and there are some videos, and tutorials that you can review to get started.
There is also some information in the Extending Constellation UI options | Pega Academy module which is part of the larger Constellation Adoption | Pega Academy mission.
For a ready made example of a banner component you can review and try out the components in the Constellation UI Gallery which include a banner sourced from a data page.

Eclatprime Digital Private Limited
Displaying a banner in Pega Constellation involves creating a UI component that can be included in your application's user interface. Pega Constellation, being a modern UI architecture, uses a component-based approach for building user interfaces. Here's how you can create and display a banner in Pega Constellation:
Step-by-Step Guide
1. **Create a Banner Component:**
- First, you need to create a new view or section in Pega that will serve as your banner component.
- Navigate to **App Studio** and go to **User Interface** > **Views**.
2. **Design the Banner:**
- Click on **Create** to create a new view.
- Give your view a name, such as "BannerView".
- In the view editor, add the necessary UI elements to design your banner. This could include text, images, buttons, or other components.
- Use Pega's design tools to style your banner according to your requirements. You can add background colors, fonts, margins, and other CSS properties.
3. **Save the View:**
- After designing your banner, save the view.
4. **Include the Banner in a Layout:**
- Now, you need to include your banner view in a layout where it will be displayed.
Displaying a banner in Pega Constellation involves creating a UI component that can be included in your application's user interface. Pega Constellation, being a modern UI architecture, uses a component-based approach for building user interfaces. Here's how you can create and display a banner in Pega Constellation:
Step-by-Step Guide
1. **Create a Banner Component:**
- First, you need to create a new view or section in Pega that will serve as your banner component.
- Navigate to **App Studio** and go to **User Interface** > **Views**.
2. **Design the Banner:**
- Click on **Create** to create a new view.
- Give your view a name, such as "BannerView".
- In the view editor, add the necessary UI elements to design your banner. This could include text, images, buttons, or other components.
- Use Pega's design tools to style your banner according to your requirements. You can add background colors, fonts, margins, and other CSS properties.
3. **Save the View:**
- After designing your banner, save the view.
4. **Include the Banner in a Layout:**
- Now, you need to include your banner view in a layout where it will be displayed.
- Navigate to the section or page where you want the banner to appear. This could be the main dashboard, a specific case type, or any other part of your application.
- Open the layout in the editor.
5. **Add the Banner View to the Layout:**
- In the layout editor, add a new **Embedded section** or **View** component.
- Select your "BannerView" from the list of available views.
- Position the banner view appropriately within the layout. Typically, banners are placed at the top of the page or section.
6. **Configure Visibility (Optional):**
- If you want the banner to be conditionally visible, you can configure visibility settings.
- Select the banner view in the layout and configure the visibility conditions based on user roles, case statuses, or other relevant criteria.
7. **Test the Banner:**
- Save the changes to your layout.
- Run the application to test the banner. Ensure it appears as expected and meets your design requirements.

IP Australia
@BhanuPrasanthT Thanks for the quick response
- Use Pega's design tools to style your banner according to your requirements. You can add background colors, fonts, margins, and other CSS properties. How do we do this? a custom dx component?
Also, rather creating a view, I like to see if there is any component as we also need an ability to dismiss the banner, like the example screen shot I have attached.

Pegasystems Inc.
There is a banner component available in the constellation UI design system. You can see the details here:
Banner | Pega Constellation design system
There is also an existing example banner component in the Constellation UI Gallery linked below:
Widgets / Banner - Docs ⋅ Storybook (
Further documentation about developing DX Components can be found here:

IP Australia
Thanks @Marc Alderman,
Banner component from design system solves my use case, is there any article on how to use this component?
Accepted Solution
Updated: 3 Jul 2024 9:29 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
To use the banner component you would need to create and publish a DX component to your application. The Constellation DX components ( documentation explains about this and there are some videos, and tutorials that you can review to get started.
There is also some information in the Extending Constellation UI options | Pega Academy module which is part of the larger Constellation Adoption | Pega Academy mission.
For a ready made example of a banner component you can review and try out the components in the Constellation UI Gallery which include a banner sourced from a data page.