
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 1 Jan 2017 9:28 EST
How to create a PRPC Page 'pxResults' type page from Java Step.
I'm trying to build an Utility to list some details of Trusted Certificates (contained in the default JVM Truststore).
Here's the code : this works - but only logs the results to the PegaRules.log - Ideally, I would like this in the form a PRPC Page (so we can do more interesting stuff with it; and also to avoid having to check the logs):
This all works within a single Java Step:
try { trustManagerFactory = );
for ( trustManager : trustManagerFactory.getTrustManagers() ) { x509TrustManager = (;
int i = 1;
for ( cert : x509TrustManager.getAcceptedIssuers()) {
oLog.infoForced( i + ":"+cert.getIssuerX500Principal());
catch(Exception e) { throw new PRRuntimeException(e); }
So: as an example how could we get a PRPC Page to contain this information : assume I have a DATA CLASS which contains a Property called 'Issuer' (which would correspond to 'getIssuerX500Principal') - can somebody provide a working example of how to do this ?
I'm trying to build an Utility to list some details of Trusted Certificates (contained in the default JVM Truststore).
Here's the code : this works - but only logs the results to the PegaRules.log - Ideally, I would like this in the form a PRPC Page (so we can do more interesting stuff with it; and also to avoid having to check the logs):
This all works within a single Java Step:
try { trustManagerFactory = );
for ( trustManager : trustManagerFactory.getTrustManagers() ) { x509TrustManager = (;
int i = 1;
for ( cert : x509TrustManager.getAcceptedIssuers()) {
oLog.infoForced( i + ":"+cert.getIssuerX500Principal());
catch(Exception e) { throw new PRRuntimeException(e); }
So: as an example how could we get a PRPC Page to contain this information : assume I have a DATA CLASS which contains a Property called 'Issuer' (which would correspond to 'getIssuerX500Principal') - can somebody provide a working example of how to do this ?
(And then I can try and generalize it to include other Certificate information such as "Serial Number" [using 'getSerialNumber' of the Java API]).