Tata Consultancy Services Ltd
Last activity: 28 Sep 2017 3:38 EDT
How to Convert StringNumber to DecimalNumber ?
Hi All,
I wrote a Utility Function (StringNumberToDecimal) , but When I used this function in my Activity ,its working only 18 digit number
forEX : input : "123456789876543211" OutPut : 123,456,789,876,543,211
But I have a requirement to given more digits, so How to do it?
@forUrInfo :
StringNumberToDecimal method code like:
/*DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("#,###0.00");
String format = decimalFormat.format("inputStringNumber");
return format ; */
and in configure of my methid I am taking java input and output data type is String // Pega input type and output data type is TEXT
so Please Help on this
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