How to configure application permissions as part of IAC/mash up code in pega 7.1.8
We have a requirement to access our Pega application from external web page as it should work by using internet (It means external webpage, not Intranet). So, we have decided to use IAC/Mash up code concept in Pega. I have followed the tutorial for Pega Mash up configuration available in PDN.
As per PDN,
1. Generating the mashup code
2. Moving the gadget <div> code to your web page
3. Configure the application permissions
In the third step, it is mentioned as click on Application Menu and click Definition. This option is available in version 7.2 and above. But, our application is in version 7.1.8 and i am not able to find this Definition option in the Application menu.
Could anyone please let me know where we can configure this application permissions in 7.1.8?
Also, please let me know if there is any other way to achieve this requirement.
I have attached the tutorial document for your reference.
Thanks in advance!!
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