
Morgan Stanley
Last activity: 20 Jun 2017 14:42 EDT
How to clear cache in 7.2.1 version
Till 7.2 we used to clear caches by just deleteing the Extract marker file and restarting the app server.
7.2.1 has removed the extract marker file.. How do i clear cache now?
Any thoughts?
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Avinash,
Extract marker is not actually cache.
SME's have been suggesting from 7.16 that it's not required to delete extract marker. If you used to use the extract marker file to clear the static content file-based cache, to look up lists, or to control starting activities with web nodes, you can delete the contents of the PegaRULES temporary directory instead.

Morgan Stanley
Thanks othos.
Any insight on the below two scenarios:
1. Install hotfixes (it is suggested to remove the extract marker file(which we dont have now) and then restart the machine)
2. To clear out caches
And also does restarting the PRPC node clear and rebuild all the caches?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Avinash,
Please find my response below:
#1 - Engineering team still releasing hotfix with same step as earlier ,thats why you are seeing this comment.
#2 - Restarting will not clear the cache.

Morgan Stanley
Thanks othos.
I'm really confused here.. Does the cache lie in the memory or in the database (as its persistent across restarts)

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Avinash,
Cache files will be present in the physical memory.

Pegasystems Inc.

Pegasystems Inc.
For 7.2.1 and later versions, to clear the cache you should delete the contents of the PegaTemp folder. This will do the same as deleting the extract marker in earlier versions.
There is some caching in the database, but you should not do a database cache clear unless you've been instructed to do so by Pega. It's almost never needed in Pega 7 (unlike some earlier versions of Pega). If it comes up, Pega will provide a query to do so.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Adam, do you have more background regarding this refactoring to remove the extract marker? Like what business need did we accomplish by removing this?
Also, can you check a 7.2.2 system? It seems to appear it is already back?

Pegasystems Inc.
You can ignore this question. I found the answer thanks to Nick L. As of today, only 7.2.1 does not use an extract marker. Due to RUF architecture changes it was removed in that release. But it was quickly added back in 7.2.2.