
LTI Mindtree
Last activity: 22 Jan 2017 22:36 EST
How to change single step assignment to multi step process in Pega 7.2.2?
I am not able to find the option to chage from single step assignmet to multi step process in Pega 7.2.2. I am able to find that option on Pega 7.1 by expanding small triangle at the end of the step of configure step behavior.
Please advise how to change the step to multi step process in pega 7.2.2
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Accepted Solution

LTI Mindtree
got better understanding on my question. It really does not matter if the step is single or multi. All We need to do is configure the step the way we want.

Hi Rama,
Open the flow of that step and add necessary shapes like(assignment, smart shapes, advanced shapes). Then it will automatically become multi-step process.

LTI Mindtree
That is indirect way i guess. That means.. once we create a step as single step, then, we are changing the step as multi step by adding some additional other shapes. But, in Pega 7.1.6, there is direct option to create a step as multi step while we are adding the step itself. if such direct optoin is not there in Pega 7.2.2, then, what could be the reason and justification on the same ?
Accepted Solution

LTI Mindtree
got better understanding on my question. It really does not matter if the step is single or multi. All We need to do is configure the step the way we want.

Hi Rama,
Just to clarify, in case designer stages and steps are designed to faciliate the business users. Pega defines the case designer's behaviour based on the Step type.
Now, regarding changing the step's behaviour, the way you suggested is correct. But, it is not mandatory to follow the approach.The change can be done by adding addtional assignments too.With this change, pega will automatically convert the Step from Single to Multi. This change is more of practical way rather than depending on options .

In Pega 7.1 case designer, stages had steps, and each "step" represented an entire process flow. When configuring "step behaviors" one could say it is a single step assignment, or multi step process. When choosing the latter, the system merely placed a second assignment within the flow rule, whether or not that shape would remain or be deleted. There was technically never a need to use the step behavior drop down menu in Pega 7.1. It was a nice idea, but in truth if you went directly to any flow rule and added a second shape to a single assignment process, or deleted the original assignment shape and replace it with an automated shape, the step was still marked in the case designer as a "multi step process."
In Pega 7.2 case designer, stages contain processes, and processes contain "steps". "Steps" are analogous to the shape it represents within the process flow. So the concept of single step process and multi-step process are still supported. It's just done in a more straightforward manner.
I hope this helps to explain the difference.

Please go through the below links: management/case-designer/processes/cm-adding-process-to-stage-tsk.htm%3FTocPath%3DCase%2520management%7CDesigning%2520a%2520case%2520type%7CAdding%2520a%2520process%2520to%2520a%2520stage%7C_____0 management/case-designer/steps/cm-adding-step-to-process-tsk.htm%3FTocPath%3DCase%2520management%7CDesigning%2520a%2520case%2520type%7CAdding%2520a%2520step%2520to%2520a%2520process%7C_____0