How can I eliminate Commit guardrail warning?
I know using Commit method in an activity is a bad practice in general. If the activity is in the flow processing we should rely on PRPC as system will automatically commit the changes implicitly. However, if we are updating data instances outside of work flow (ex. Job Scheduler), we still need to do commit by ourselves. When I use Commit method, system throws below warnings right away.
The warning is severe, and I want to eliminate this message. What is the most common alternate approach? I know there is an OOTB activity called "commitWithErrorHandling" but it is only available in Work- class.
What if the activity is outside of Work- class?
Also, another approach I know is to change the activity type from "Activity" to "Utility" in Security tab, but I don't think it is a good practice to change this uniformly if it is not really a utility, only for the purpose of eliminating the warnings.