
Last activity: 5 May 2020 12:25 EDT
How to call local action from Javascript/Activity
Hi ppl,
I have a requirement to call multiple actions in a grid so i have "run script " as action and calling multiple actions from JS based on one parameter(open URL, call activity etc)
As part of it am trying to call an local action in my function and am using pega.u.d.processAction('testFlowActionName', true,'Rule-Obj-FlowAction','','',true,this,'','',this); but am getting error when i launch the flow action.
I did check in developer tool(Console) but am not finding any errors.
Am find it there is a way to call Local action from an activitiy(tried Process action OOTB activity) but no luck.
I am expecting after calling this JS function or calling activity from this script should launch a ModalDialog.
Can someone help !!