How to always display sort icon in table header?
we have a requirement to display a sort icon in the table header. Right now the icon -we define in the skin- shows up only when the a column is selected (and disappears from the rest of the columns).
any chance we can display an icon shape for when the rest of the columns are not selected, then once selected the icons for sorting show up?
Update: Solution --->
we were able to figure it out by using the following css code (Skin -> Additional Style Sheets) and adding it to the table header
/*add icon for unsorted columns*/
th.sortable-column > div > div > span.pointerStyle:not(.DESC):not(.ASC) {
background-position: 99% center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 10px 16px;
background-image: url('webwb/Sort.svg');
width: 10px;