Hopkins Software Pvt. Ltd.
Last activity: 27 Jul 2023 0:39 EDT
how to add validations on whether the record present in internal db record or not
Hi Everyone,
I have 3 inputs data stored in data type class when clicking on Save Contact Button. My requirement is error massage comes on button when clicking submit button if i not save the records into data type class (not clicking button) . How can i achieve this
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 27 Jul 2023 0:39 EDT
Bits in Glass
@Nagarjuna Saidu in the validation rule, when you configure the logic you can see display message below. There you need to your message.
Bits in Glass
@NagarjunaS16644648 you can pull the data from data type using dpage-> report definition.
Now you can validate the data page whether data is blank or not using validation rule in flow action. On clicking submit, validation rule will be fired and if data doesn't exists, error will be fired.
Nagarjuna Saidu
Hopkins Software Pvt. Ltd.
@Anoop Krishna Where to use the data page to pull the data from data type.
Can explain validate the data page whether data is blank or not
Bits in Glass
@Nagarjuna Saidu flow action-> Validation rule
Dpage. Prop1! =""
Dpage. Prop2! =""
Dpage. Prop3! =""
This is the logic you need to use in validate rule.
Nagarjuna Saidu
Hopkins Software Pvt. Ltd.
@Anoop Krishna How to set error massage on Button
Accepted Solution
Updated: 27 Jul 2023 0:39 EDT
Bits in Glass
@Nagarjuna Saidu in the validation rule, when you configure the logic you can see display message below. There you need to your message.
Hopkins Software Pvt. Ltd.
If I was not clicked on Save Contact button (That means the inputs are not saved backend data type table). Then Error appears when I was clicked on Submit Button. If I was clicked Save Contact button the records are stored into table. Then no error appears after clicked Submit button and redirect into next screen
Bits in Glass
@Nagarjuna Saidu ya right, validation rule will work the same way.
NexGen Technologies Ltd
@Nagarjuna Saidu you ca call the Data page directly in validation rule and pass the parameters to the D page and check pxResultcount should be =1 or greater than 1 values conditions check true or false