
Hopkins Software Pvt. Ltd.
Last activity: 17 May 2023 1:26 EDT
How to restrict the table to store the maximum number of record to store validation error comes
Hi Everyone,
I have Auto complete source of data page having no of records. When enter the details in Auto complete I/P drop down the particular record is stored in a table using Append and map to of param.Benifit=Drop down i/p then clear the vale of dropdown using Remove=DropDown Prop.
My requirement is to store maximum 6 records in table. If add more then 6 records trough the error for Autocomplete dropdown. No further records are added to table. If you delete record from table it is possible to add records.
How to achieve this requirement any one please help me
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 17 May 2023 0:59 EDT

Bits in Glass
You can do as below.
You can do property-set-message. Use your length logic in when condition, if it's true do property-set-message. In the jump statement exit activity.

Bits in Glass
@NagarjunaS16644648 on click of add button throw a validation.
Check lengthofpagelist.
If it's >=5, throw error
Nagarjuna Saidu

Hopkins Software Pvt. Ltd.
@Anoop Krishnano buttons are used. how to do this

Bits in Glass
@Nagarjuna Saiduif I add more than 6 records, this add is in which context?
Updated: 15 May 2023 23:37 EDT

Hopkins Software Pvt. Ltd.
@Anoop Krishna If i add 7th record into the page list property table. it shows the error On autocomplete Drop Down and no further 7 record added to table
The above image shows the table having 6 records. I Want add one more record "ICU" to table. But i shows the error and the not stored into table . If Delete one record error not comes and new record addition is possible
Thank You

Bits in Glass
@Nagarjuna Saidu you are using an activity to append the results right. In that activity, use obj-validate in the first step.
Nagarjuna Saidu
Updated: 16 May 2023 1:12 EDT

Hopkins Software Pvt. Ltd.
@Anoop Krishna How to validate in obj Validation. If I use length of the page list <=6. If add 7 the record then it will comes the error. But This my requirement is if user tries to add 7th record error will comes and 7th record will not added to the table.

Bits in Glass
@Nagarjuna Saidu validation error means the same. It will throw a validation error on top and record will not be added.
Nagarjuna Saidu

Hopkins Software Pvt. Ltd.
@Anoop Krishna But My out comes like
Accepted Solution
Updated: 17 May 2023 0:59 EDT

Bits in Glass
You can do as below.
You can do property-set-message. Use your length logic in when condition, if it's true do property-set-message. In the jump statement exit activity.
Nagarjuna Saidu

Hopkins Software Pvt. Ltd.
@Anoop Krishna Thank You Very Much Krishna
Anoop Krishna