Hi, We have set the connection pool settings as per the set up guide (initial connection 0, max connection 25 and min connection 0). We have faced lots of Pega 0026 alert and connection time out problem for this. I have checked few articles in PDN but did
I have already provided the datasourse connection settings. All these settings are as per the set up guide.
initial connection: 0 , max connection: 25 and min connection: 0
If you check the alert summary then you can find Browsing and DB time issues. I have checked few articles in PDN and it was mentioned that we need to set up the settings as per the concurrent active user. But when we increase the initial connection, max connection and min connection value then those servers went to “ADMIN” state and also lots of inactive connections in the connection pool.
We have 2000 max user, 500+ concurrent active user + background processes(Aggregate requestor count as per PegaRules log is 800+), 10 manage server nodes.
We need two things
1. What is the pega recommendation for the connection pool settings of datasourses in weblogic?
2. If a requestor thread is not able to get one connection from the connection pool then it stays in queue for few seconds and then it went to pending state. Can we set up the timeout value for this in Pega?
Please let me know if you need further details.