Hard coding of page names inside when rules used within Attachment Category rules
The background is I am trying to set access controls for attachment categories using a when rule, so that user will be able to see different sets of categories in drop down when he is attaching documents.
The when rule checks the values on its current page and executes. It works all fine when the files were being attached within pyWorkPage context. The problem is when it's done from attachements tab of pyCaseContents section in review mode.
After digging into the code, the first step of Work- • GetListOfAttachmentCategories sets the pyWorkPageName parameter from newAssignPage properties. This parameter is being used as the page context of when rule inside attahcment category. So when newAssignPage is not on clipboard, the execution of when rule may fail unless the property references are hardcoded with page names.
I think Pega may need to look into this final activity to avoid hardcoding withn when rules used for Attachment Cateogry's access control.
Venkat K.
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add Categories***
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