Intel Corporation
Last activity: 2 Jan 2018 17:28 EST
Grid Show Detail Expand All option shows flow action default buttons
I have a repeat grid to display Notes (Data-WorkAttach-Note).
Initial Repeat grid shows Subject. On expanding subject, it should show the pyNote.
This works fine when I select expand / collapse icon.
But when I want all the rows to be expanded by default, it displays flow action default buttons: (Cancel, Save, Submit) and section header for each row.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Can you show us screenshots of a comparison between behaviors?
Intel Corporation
Please find the screen shots attached.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Venkata,
Can run a DT in flow action and set the .pyExpanded property to true. It should make all the rows to be expanded by default. Please check and let me know.
Intel Corporation
Hi Rachit,
I am able to expand all rows. But the formatting is not correct.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Venkata,
Can you please share the screenshots as to what happened at runtime after you made the suggested changes. Also, do share the section,flowaction screenshot. I am not able to understand exactly which formatting is going wrong.
Intel Corporation
Please find the screen shot attached at runtime.
If you can see, for each row, there are Cancel,Previous,Next and Submit.
The grid is readonly. why do I need a cancel and submit button.
Pegasystems Inc.
Sorry for the delayed response. Is the happening even after you refresh the section?
Intel Corporation
It is not dependent on Section Refresh.
I tried hiding the buttons by selecting Hide flowaction default buttons in flowaction.
Was able to hide the buttons. But the Flowaction header and footer still shows up with close icon.