
Last activity: 12 Jan 2023 14:30 EST
GraphAPI (Microsoft) (Pega to EMail via GraphAPI)
1. I am trying to do test connectivity from Notify via Graphi, Tried all options, below error displays.
2. Same url works great via Graph explorer:[email protected]/mailFolders
Any help appreciated. (Both delegrated/App Permissions are set)
Date and time
5/17/22 9:50 PM
Created DefaultExecutors Starting to send request, URL[email protected]/mailFolders Request Method GET Response code 404, Not Found Handling error response Deserializing type GraphErrorResponse Graph service exception Error code: ErrorInvalidUser Error message: The requested user ' Proprietary information hidden' is invalid. GET[email protected]/mailFolders SdkVersion : graph-java-v1.4.0 Authorization : Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJub25jZSI[...] 404 : Not Found [...] [Some information was truncated for brevity, enable debug logging for more details]
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Support Case Details; ***
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 12 Jan 2023 14:30 EST

DXC Technology Services LLC
We got support from Pega team and the conclusion is this. This is due to personal email accounts are not supported for Microsoft Graph. An enterprise email is required to support this API. We are able to establish the successful connection through enterprise email account.

Pegasystems Inc.
@VijayB3101 could you specify your Pega version?
Did you follow configuration as per the documentation Creating an email account?
Did you see other forum posts below?
Authentication exception (InvalidAuthenticationTokenError) from Microsoft Graph in Inbound Email
Microsoft Graph API for Email Consumption ,
Microsoft Graph to send emails from Pega
Implement microsoft Graph API in 7.3.1
Microsoft Graph - not able to set pyReplyTo dynamically

Here are my settings:
Pega PLatform:Pega Platform 8.7.1
Oauth2.0 provider : Custom
Grant Type: Client Credentials
End Point Configuration:}/oauth2/v2.0/token
Notify Settings:
Email Provider: Microsoft 365
Send Using: Microsoft Graph
Userprincipalname: matching output from graphapi
Authentication Profile: Matching Oauth2.0 profile.
Same error from Both Send and receive.
My goal is to Click on "Test Connectivity" in notify to prove solution works.
Error: When clicked TESTCONNECTIVITY in tool
Date and time
5/18/22 10:42 PM
Created DefaultExecutors Starting to send request, URL[email protected]/mailFolders Request Method GET Response code 404, Not Found Handling error response Deserializing type GraphErrorResponse Graph service exception Error code: ErrorInvalidUser Error message: The requested user ' Proprietary information hidden' is invalid. GET[email protected]/mailFolders SdkVersion : graph-java-v1.4.0 Authorization : Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJub25jZSI[...]

Pegasystems Inc.
This issue sounds like a problem with the ' Proprietary information hidden' user setup. Perhaps in the Azure portal.
1. Check the api permissions - if you log a support incident you'll need to provide the screenshot from azure portal.
2. Please call the api using microsoft graph explorer or postman (or another third party application) and see if you are getting correct response
3. The above error code tells that the above user is invalid or doesn't exist. Check whether the user exists in If the user exists try to login as the user, test the same API call to see if it works (either using MS Graph Explorer or POSTMAN)
If you need further help I suggest that you log a support incident for this.
Please provide us with the INC number here to help us track it.

1. Same URL works great with Microsoft Graph Explorer & ARC (Advanced Rest Client)
will open ticket

DXC Technology Services LLC
Hi @VijayB3101,
Got any solution on this? I am also facing the same issue with same kind of configuration.

Lantiqx Limited
Hi Vijay ,
Have you got any solution to this ?, i too facing the same issue to configure the email account with microsoft graph
Accepted Solution
Updated: 12 Jan 2023 14:30 EST

DXC Technology Services LLC
We got support from Pega team and the conclusion is this. This is due to personal email accounts are not supported for Microsoft Graph. An enterprise email is required to support this API. We are able to establish the successful connection through enterprise email account.

Pegasystems Inc.
@VijayB3101 please could you provide the INC reference here?
This will help the forum moderators track and answer any future product enquiries of this nature, many thanks.

Lantiqx Limited
Can we get a solution for this ?
service desk team is asking us to check in support portal as its related to configuration issue
Updated: 12 Jan 2023 14:28 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
@Siva Naga Syam Kumar I'm not sure which service desk team you are referring to. If you need to log a support incident please use the My Support Portal.
I can see that INC-248960 was resolved with the following conclusion:
"The issue is resolved post creating application with single tenant . The test connectivity is working fine post the changes. Multitenant and single tenant is related to azure ."