
Last activity: 17 Jun 2017 9:01 EDT
Getting SQL error while changing to The Resolved Stage
Getting below error while changing to the Resolved stage from an activity
trying to calculate the handle of a class whose instances may not be written to the database: Assign-: code: SQLState: Message
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Accepted Solution

Capgemini Sverige
You have written your activity in child class with the step page of pyWorkCover.
If am correct in above assumption, why are you using Obj-Refresh-And-Lock ?
Although once u start working with child case , parent case will be locked .

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi SivaKumar,
Thank you for posting your query.
Can you please share the complete stack trace from the logs? From the error message you have stated, I see that the class invovled with the issue is "Assign-". Can you please elaborate how the class is used in your scenario?
Also, as per my understanding there must be some configuration issue for such error. So, it would be great if you can share the scenario where the issue is occuring to identify the root cause.

I would run Tracer on the command sequence and then see how a class of Assign- is being passed to the point of failure. It sounds as if the code is expecting a concrete class name, probably derived from Assign-. Did a page fail to open? Or is a parameter missing?

Attached the screen shot.
Steps to reproduce:
1. display cases in repeat grid
2. try to resolve cases by providing link as a column in repeat grid
3. cancel the cases
4. First case which we cancelled is getting resolved successfully. but for the next case we are getting above error

You may need to hard delete the assignment before changing the stage. I did it using pxDeleteAssignmentsForWork activity. I didnt like the approach very much. But I am not sure if there is a better solution.
Jeremy Peterson

Experiencing the same error while changing the stage of pyWorkCover from child case. Please help me out of this.

Capgemini Sverige
Hi Naga,
Can you specify the approach used to change the parent stage?

Calling an activity on the context of pyWorkcover and in the activity performing Obj-Refresh-And-Lock followed by pxChangeStage with cleanup processes.
Accepted Solution

Capgemini Sverige
You have written your activity in child class with the step page of pyWorkCover.
If am correct in above assumption, why are you using Obj-Refresh-And-Lock ?
Although once u start working with child case , parent case will be locked .

Activity is in Data class.
There are two scenarios: Change stage on Top class and pyWorkCover.
It is working fine on the Top context but facing issue with pyWorkCover.

Hi Prashant,
The problem is solved now. There is some mistake with context.

Hey Nagaramu,
Can you please explain in brief how did you solved it. I am also facing the same issue.