
Capgemini Technological Services
Last activity: 19 May 2020 13:53 EDT
Getting Error when trying to create a report which fetches data from two different table located in different databases.
I have tried few approached to achieve this.
1. Tried to access the tables using class join directly defined in data access tab.
2. Tried including sub report to access the 2nd table which resides in different databases, but didnt worked.
Any quick suggestion will be extremely helpful.
The error I am getting is :-
** An error occured on executing the query for the report definition - There was a problem getting a list: code: 208 SQLState: S0002 Message: Invalid object name 'dbo.databasetablename'. DatabaseException caused by prior exception: Invalid object name 'dbo.databaseTablename'. | SQL Code: 208 | SQL State: S0002
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