
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Last activity: 19 Apr 2023 7:19 EDT
Getting error during execution of when in an Collection
I have used a Collection "CheckAgeLimit" in an Activity "TestActivity". I have defined a Property (.Age) and when (AgeCheck) and added them in collection "CheckAgeLimit". I have created all these rules under same class "TGB-HRApps-Data-Employee" in HRApp:01-01-02 ruleset. When i run the TestActivity it is throwing me an error stating "Failed to find a 'RULE-OBJ-WHEN' with the name 'AGECHECK' that applies to '@baseclass'; no rules with this name were found in the rulebase."
Even though i have used all rules that belongs to the same class why it is throwing me an error stating unable to find the rule?
I'm using Pega 8.8 Can someone please help on this!