
Coforge DPA private limited
Last activity: 19 Jul 2017 4:18 EDT
getting "Could not create an instance of the WSDL parser: Failed to parse WSDL document" when importing wsdl
On importing WSDL I am getting "Could not create an instance of the WSDL parser: Failed to parse WSDL document" failure. I see that WSDL has reference to external XSDs but those are also at the same path where WSDL resides. Not sure what could be the issue.
Can anyone pls help me out on this.
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Accepted Solution

Madhusudan has communicated with me over a private message that this issue has been resolved!
Instead of importing the WSDL from "New Soap Integration" wizard he used connector and metadata wizard. It worked fine.
Lochan | Online Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Madhusudan,
Can you try importing in SOAP UI and does that works? If it works there can you share the WSDL?

Coforge DPA private limited
http://if I browse the wsdl file and import in SOAP UI it looks working But when I give the URL it doesn't work.It shows below error:
Error loading []: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException: error: does not close tag.
And since it has external XSD reference we have to use URL in Connector wizard( correct me if its not the case )
I am attaching WSDL and XSDs and below is the wsdl URL:
Pls let me know if you need other details.
Accepted Solution

Madhusudan has communicated with me over a private message that this issue has been resolved!
Instead of importing the WSDL from "New Soap Integration" wizard he used connector and metadata wizard. It worked fine.
Lochan | Online Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.

JP Morgan Chase
I have a same situation, where I get the same error message if I use Connector and Meta Data wizard. I had to import some xsd's.
All Request/Response params generated properly from SOAP UI with same wsdl but not with Metadata accelerator

Just found out that this error also is generated when the wsdl file is located on a network drive not mapped to a drive letter. I.e. if the cannonical name of the wsdl file is like \\server\share\file.wsdl paga will fail to greate the wsdl parser object.
Resultion is to copy the file to your local drive or map your server to a windows driver name (like x:)

StellarNexus Consulting UG
The easiest approach would be to upload the xsds in stead of wsdl first.PegaRules Application uploads it to the Server but will say that it cannot parse the xsd(which is obvious since we are using a wizard where it looks for wsdls(with/without xsd imports).Once all the xsds you have imported in your wsdl are uploaded,Try uploading the wsdl now and it should work fine.(This is a work around, which is easy too )