
Last activity: 13 Jan 2023 0:38 EST
Get a name of a page received as parameter
Hi , consider below scenario:
Both A B are data transforms
B requires a parameter, named "P", : type 'Page name'. "P" is also defined under "Pages & Class" table.
A call B with parameter value "pyWorkPage.Page1", where Page1 is a page defined under pyWorkPage.
Inside B we can use to access properties inside P normally.
Now we need use page name of P inside B, which is a string like "pyWorkPage.Page1" in above sample.
As "P" is a page, we can not use it as a string to get "pyWorkPage.Page1".
We have to add one more parameter of type string to B and let A call B with 2nd para "pyWorkPage.Page1", which looks exactly same as first para, but in diff type.
So, may I know how can I get page name of P inside B? If I can do it, 2nd para is not needed.
I fail to find function for this purpose.
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