
Last activity: 17 Mar 2016 12:15 EDT
Data Page parameters are getting removed
Hi All,
I have case that has got one stage in it. In that stage I have 2 steps.
- Step 1: In this step, I refer a data page that has got two parameters. Claim Number and Country. After accepting these parameters I will pass these to a SOAP connector which is the source for this data page.
In short my data page source is SOAP connector which request for the claim data by passing Claim Number and country as parameters
- Step 2: Once the Lookup is executed I have my claim data available on the data page. In order to use this data I have referenced this data page a step page in an activity.
The problem is that before entering into this activity the values for the parameters Claim Number and Country are overriding to blank values i.e., I see these two parameters being set with blank values instead of the values that I have used initially.
Because of which when I referenced the data page as a step page in the activity the data page is running again accepting the blank parameter values and the SOAP that was executed is failing.
Hence I am unable to use the data page for further processing.
Please let me know how to fix this issue.
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Accepted Solution

Hi All,
Now the scenario is working when the removed the parameters from the data page and passed the current parameter page

Pegasystems Inc.
can you check this link is of any help for you: Pay special attention to refresh strategy of your data page (under Load Management tab of the data page form).

Hi Kevin,
I have gone through the article. My problem is exactly mentioned in the below statement which is present in the article.
"if the parameters passed do not match the parameters used to create an existing instance on the clipboard, then the data page loads a new instance of itself onto the clipboard with the parameterized data that the current call requires."
My refresh strategy includes only "Clear pages after non-use". I have tried with all the valid refresh strategies as well.
Problem is that when I enter from One step to other in the same stage all the parameters are getting removed and since I refereed the parameters again in the second step, blank parameters are getting created because of which a new instance of Data Page is getting created.

Virtusa Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.
Hi Ravi,
Can I known if these input parameters to the data page are static? If not where are you storing those values?

Hi Gotham,
I receive these values from an external system, which I map to my Page Structure.
After that in my step 1 I use a utility in which I call a Data transform to set these parameters with the data I received from the external system.
Then I refer my data page in the step page of this utility. Once referred the Data Page runs and hits the service with these parameters and I will have the response on my Data Page.
Then in step 2 of the same stage I refer this Data Page in one of the step of an utility.
In actual Case since this data page has been run already it should simply act like a step page that has some data in it.
But since the parameters are getting removed when I enter into step 2 and since I referred them in this step they are being set with blank values and the data page is again getting instantiated causing my lookup to fail.

Hi Ravi,
Can you post some screenshots to give us a clearer image?
I recently had a very similar issue, where certain properties on a parameterized data page where disappearing. My mistake was not calling that data page with its parameters, and the system was a creating a new instance of that data page every time I called it. I used a post-processing activity to save these properties and it worked for me.

Hi Joe,
I will post the screenshots shortly.
I need to build this functionality as an API. So I should not use any post Load processing and it should be completely parameterized. And it should be a plug n play model

Virtusa Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.
Do you still have those parameters (which come from external system) in step 2? and are you passing those params to the data page when you are calling it in step 2?

No .At the end of step1 I have those parameters. But after the beginning of step 2 those are getting removed and since I mentioned them as parameters in step 2 they are creating with blank values.

Can you call the activity at the end of Step 1?

Pegasystems Inc.
thanks! This seems to be something needing further investigation. What is your pega version here? I wonder if you can try the same use case in the latest version if not already (pega 7.2 just released last week). Also see if this article helps:

We are using 7.1.6 version and Instead of load Data Page method I have just refereed in the step page of an utility.
Adding to the above this was working when instead of defining the parameters on the parameters tab of data page I have used the pass current parameter page check box in the request Data transform of the datapage and removed the parameters from the parameters tab.

No Joe,
I cannot call the activity in step 1.
Step 1 is for lookups only and step 2 is for processing of lookup data which will be present on the data page

Virtusa Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.
Hi Ravi,
You should save those parameters (that you pass to the data page on your step 1 ) on clipboard so that you can use them in step 2. If you dont know the params and you are trying to refer them in step2, it will fail.
Accepted Solution

Hi All,
Now the scenario is working when the removed the parameters from the data page and passed the current parameter page