
M1 Ltd
Last activity: 12 Oct 2019 8:48 EDT
FTP to and from Server
I have tried hunting around for solution but I am not able to come to know how to achieve it.
We are running on Pega Platform 7.3 and Pega Marketing 7.22.
We need to regularly SFTP to and retrieve from a remote server, so that we are able use the data in our Campaign. I do hope to use the OOTB functions to perform the whole task, instead of writing Java.
1) When I use the "Connect-FTP" method in the agent, it seems that I can only "put" file to the remote server, and the filename has to be fixed; I cannot FTP file with dynamic file name.
a) How do I SFTP a file of dynamic file name to the remote server?
b) How shall I SFTP a file from the remote server using this method?
2) How do I specify what file(s) to put/get?
3) For the case of retrieval, how do I retrieve only the latest file; the file contains datetime stamp?
Hope to hear some advises soon.
***Edited by Moderator: Pallavi to update platform capability tags***