
Swedbank AB
Last activity: 7 Jul 2016 22:18 EDT
Following case
When we create a case we are creating workparties. our user wants to follow case, when we follow case partition declare index adding both followers and party details. Because of this we have performance issues. Can someone suggest us how to avoid party details adding into index- workpartyuri table
***Updated by Moderator: Marissa. Added Category***
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Accepted Solution

Swedbank AB
Pega Gcs team confirmed they are storing all the work parties in index table.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Deva, Good morning!
- the follower of the case will be added as a workparty by default via RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY WORK- PZADDFOLLOWERWORKPARTY.
- to improve performance workparty details are indexed via declare index rule RULE-DECLARE-INDEX WORK- PARTYURI
- could we attempt...
- leveraging index when field [] to avoid follower party details being added to DB table pc_index_workparty?
- would it be convincing to quick test by dropping the blob column from index table [pc_index_workparty]...?
- please take a table backup before dropping the blob column.
- also would creating additional database index on the table [pc_index_workparty] helps?
Please share your observations/comments, Thank you!

Swedbank AB
Hi Phani, Thanks for your response.
We have already added when condition. But partyuri declare index is invoking when ever we have obj-save on pyworkpage and when condition fails it is removing existing entires.
Updated: 7 May 2016 14:14 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
from help file...
- If the condition or expression is false, no Index- instances (from that Applies To instance) must be present. None are added. Any existing Index- instances are deleted.
>>> But partyuri declare index is invoking when ever we have obj-save on pyworkpage and when condition fails it is removing existing entires.
- question ...
- we could leverage OOTB when rule - RULE-OBJ-WHEN WORK- PYISFOLLOWING
- is it deleting all the pxPartyRole entries (workparty + follower) or just the follower entries?
- we could leverage OOTB when rule - RULE-OBJ-WHEN WORK- PYISFOLLOWING
Message edit: added when rule. [PYISFOLLOWING]

Swedbank AB
Hi Phani
When we follow a case obj-save is performing on pyworkpage or pyoriginalworkobjectpage. Both of this pages will have custom work parties(i.e originiator) and pyworkparty(follower). Even if we use pyisfollowing case when condition all the work parties will add to index-workpartyuri table.

Pegasystems Inc.
question ...
- is it deleting all the pxPartyRole entries (workparty + Follower) or just the follower entries?
and not sure beyond this, sorry Dev.

Pegasystems Inc.
Option 'Index even when a source property is blank?' be of help in case?

Swedbank AB
what we are looking for is on click of follow we want to add only follower details. We have raised SR with pega.
Thanks a lot for your response.

Hi Deva,
Please let us know the SR number here. We will tag that to your post above for tracking it to closure!
Lochan | Online Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.

Swedbank AB
We have raised SR- A24535. We are yet to get response.

Hi Deva,
Thank you for updating the SR number here! I have tagged it with your post above under the Related Work column.
Lochan | Online Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.

Upon reviewing the corresponding SR, we see that it has been resolved with an explanation stating that this is an expected behaviour.
Lochan | Online Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.
Accepted Solution

Swedbank AB
Pega Gcs team confirmed they are storing all the work parties in index table.

Pegasystems Inc.
Reference: This question originated as a Comment on SA-21171,