
Last activity: 4 Oct 2018 11:08 EDT
Flush/remove the Declare Page in a multi-node environment
What are the different possible ways to flush/remove the Declare Page in a multi-node environment? We are using V6.2 and we want to flush the page instance from all the nodes in running a single activity/utility with no performance issues created in production server.
I know one way is clicking the "Flush Page" in all production nodes but we have more number of nodes to perform this exercise.
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
1. It does not exist in 6.2. It is there for 7.1.x.
2. This is there for 6.2.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Ravi,
There is an OOTB function called ExpireDeclarativePage which expires the page for a single node. Here is a quote from SME answering similar question:
---quote starts---
There's no formal way to run ExpireDeclarativePage on every node.
Of course, the signal which causes ExpireDeclarativePage could be sent to every node. Or, another idea, perhaps you could build a simple Agent to run ExpireDeclarativePage on every node when it becomes necessary.
---quote end ---

Thank you Kevin. I did propose the similar function but want to double check with the experts over here.
Below are some of the functions I had sorted out.
#1) pega.getDeclarativePageUtils().deleteAllInstancesOfDeclarativePage("<Dec.Page Name>"); - Not sure whether this function exists in V62.
#2) ((PegaAPI)tools).getDeclarativePageUtils().expireDeclarativePageDefinition(PageName); - Works fine in V62 but need to build the logic to call this function across all nodes to flush the page.
Ravi Kumar Pisupati.
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
1. It does not exist in 6.2. It is there for 7.1.x.
2. This is there for 6.2.

Pegasystems Inc.
Ravi Kumar,
What is the business problem you are trying to solve by expiring these pages? Has the data changed? As Kevin suggested, you could create an agent that runs an activity to do that if you have a periodic/predictable time/reason to do this. If this is more of a scenario where something unforeseen happens and you want to flush a dozen nodes simultaneously, you could call the activity via HTTP request and write a shell script to do that. Someone asked about that recently here. Hopefully that helps.

Thanks Mike for the details. We are planning to work on Agent approach and will follow you and Kevin's directions.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Ravi, Good Morning!
also, could you please provide your comments on refering to OOTB activity 'FlushDeclarativePage' in class 'Rule-Declare-Pages' called in a Listener rule (maybe a fileListner: executed on need) configured with run on all nodes as start up option makes sense...
Thank you!

Sure Phani. We will take a look at this option too.

United health group
Is there a feature in Pega 7 to flush data pages in all nodes

]init[ AG
Hi Pavani,
May i know what is the feature name in Pega 7 .. currently we are using 7.1.5 and we had a multinode environment in production. when ever required flushing the data page .. i am going each and every individual node .. but it is not good pratice as per Production set up.
Thanks for your help here.

Tata Consultancy Services
Syntax for the function in v7.2
@(Pega-RULES:DeclarePages).pzDeleteAllInstancesOfDeclarativePage(tools, "D_pzBusinessObjectives")
Here, "D_pzBusinessObjectives" is your Declare Page D_
Or Call Activity with Parameter as your Declare Page D_
Name: 'FlushDeclarativePage' - Flush Declare or Data Page

How to Flush declare page on all nodes in multinode environments? we are using Pega 7.1.8 version.
I tried calling pzDeleteAllInstancesOfDeclarativePage from Java step from one node but it's not deleting on other nodes. Is this pega version specific?