
Last activity: 30 Sep 2019 23:10 EDT
File listener picks up a file to process that is not completely copied to intake folder.
We have a File Listener to pick up xml files and we noticed that intermittently file listener picks up a file and try to process it which is not fully copied to intake folder.
Below is the error in log:
Caught exception parsing XML stream
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.
Because the file is not fully copied it could not find the end tag, Also the corresponding file in the unprocessed folder is incomplete.
In the activity , It is failing at the step Apply-Parse-XML . Before parsing we are doing a Base64Decode.
Due to large volume of xml files we are seeing atleast 10 failures per day and as a work around
we are manually moving the file from completed folder back to intake folder to re process.
Listener is configured on 4 nodes
Polling Interval : 300 seconds
Pega V 7.1.7
Please help if there is any fix for this issue or any ideas to prevent this.
Also any ideas to automate the reprocesing (moving the file from completed folder back to intake folder) will be helpful.