
Last activity: 26 Feb 2019 8:51 EST
FCM Configuration issue in pega 8
Hi ,
we are trying to configure FCM 7.1.2 to in pega infinity (8.1.0) , we have followed below approach using pdn link
Once the package is installed and added the ruleset to the application we are getting attached errror prerequisiste error in FCM ruleset as there would be no Pega-ProcessCommander:07-10-99 in the application.
system is not allowing to save the rule set with Pega-ProcessCommander:08-01-99 , saying that you are not authorized to change the rule set.
Below are the alternate approacehe we tried
1) some how by tweaking OOTB validation we are able to save , the ruleset by chaning the pre requisite to 08-01-99 , but after that we see many errors in the application after adding the ruleset .
2) Tried to copy the PEGA-FCM rules to our own application ruleset , but didnt find the FCM ruleset in Merge/copy wizard though we see it in stack.
7.1.2 is only the latest version of FCM
Hi ,
we are trying to configure FCM 7.1.2 to in pega infinity (8.1.0) , we have followed below approach using pdn link
Once the package is installed and added the ruleset to the application we are getting attached errror prerequisiste error in FCM ruleset as there would be no Pega-ProcessCommander:07-10-99 in the application.
system is not allowing to save the rule set with Pega-ProcessCommander:08-01-99 , saying that you are not authorized to change the rule set.
Below are the alternate approacehe we tried
1) some how by tweaking OOTB validation we are able to save , the ruleset by chaning the pre requisite to 08-01-99 , but after that we see many errors in the application after adding the ruleset .
2) Tried to copy the PEGA-FCM rules to our own application ruleset , but didnt find the FCM ruleset in Merge/copy wizard though we see it in stack.
7.1.2 is only the latest version of FCM
Any suggestions are much appreciated here.
Abhinav Talla
***Edited by Moderator: Pallavi to update platform capability tags***