
Last activity: 1 Mar 2019 5:47 EST
Export Path
I have tried to use prpcserviceutils to do the export and Import. Ervery thing went well, but i have noticed that during export the exported ZIP file is being stored in folder that is dynamically created in the workspace directory. And i wonder where was it be specified, hoe these two sub directory were created with timestamp.
For example, with the command
sh "$PEGA_HOME_74/scripts/utils/ export --connPropFile $PEGA_HOME_74/scripts/Demo/ --artifactsDir $ARTIFACTS_DIR
the ARTIFACTS_DIR is /devops/artifacts/Demo, but the zip file will be stored under
/devops/artifacts/Demo/EXPORT_2019-Jan-31_11-45-19/jenkins-Test-128, i just wondern, where did the subdirs "EXPORT BLABLA" get to be generated?
I am appreciated for any answer.
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Pegasystems Inc.
I was trying this out of curiosity and found that it always gets added, maybe to distinguish between different export files!!
So I guess you are using Jenkins automation as well, for Jenkins I guess its get stored to Jenkins Workspace (going by this post
Now I was just trying with simple prpcServiceutils.
Here's my screenshot:
I was trying this out of curiosity and found that it always gets added, maybe to distinguish between different export files!!
So I guess you are using Jenkins automation as well, for Jenkins I guess its get stored to Jenkins Workspace (going by this post
Now I was just trying with simple prpcServiceutils.
Here's my screenshot:
So for me the file do get generated in my pega temp directory service export folder (might have to tweak this a bit), but point is the sub folders always gets generated. The only purpose I can think of is to distinguish different exports.
Hope this helps a bit.
Thank You

Thank you very much for the answer, i would like get to know how could these two subfolder generated out of curiosity.
The system is so clever without any configuration to create these two folders:)

Pegasystems Inc.
I know the answer is somewhere in prpcServiceUtilsWrapper.xml file but would need to figure it out
I will keep you posted on this.

Pegasystems Inc.
Can you check file
In this
logfile=$CURRENT_SCRIPT/logs/CLI-prpcServiceUtils-log-$(date +'%h-%d-%Y-%H-%M-%S').log
Followed by
mkdir -p "$CURRENT_SCRIPT/logs"
This generated the folder when you are running prpcserviceutils directly. There might be some difference when you use Jenkins, but overall this is happening.
Hope this helps

Thank you for the answer.
With mkdir -p "$CURRENT_SCRIPT/logs" the subdirectory will be created, but i still wonder, how could the exported archive to be saved under this directory? i could not find any specification about the export path anywhere:(

Pegasystems Inc.
So one thing is when i export the file gets created and saved in my temp directory(service export folder), which I would have specified in the tomcat.
When you doing through jenkins are you specifying some path ? I have not run through jenkins, so I am not aware of any setting which may get appended with pega settings!!!

Our jenkins server was hosted on a docker image, but we didnot do any special pega settings besides the steps which in the document "using prpcServiceUtils and Jenkins for automated applicaiton deployment".
What i expected is actually the file will be exported under the artifactsDir which we specified in the command field instead of the strange sub directory.

Pegasystems Inc.
The folders in the ArtifactsDir are created in the below java classes which are available in PRPCSERVICEUTILSMedia/scripts/prdeploy.jar file.
AbstractPRPCOperationHandler.class -> in extractDetails method with below code,
String attachmentsDir = copyToLogsDirectory(attachments, response.getSystemName());
In copyToLogsDirectory method we are creating the respective operator folder like EXPORT/IMPORT/ARCHIVE/... appended with timestamp.
Hope this answers your query.
Mahesh M

HCL tech
But is there a way to change this? so the path does not have timestamp in it? Or at least is there any exposed property with the exact timestamp used?