General Motors Company
Last activity: 23 Mar 2020 14:45 EDT
Excercise -- SAE 8 Solution Build Issue
Good Morning! I am having a trouble on step -107. After completing the configuration of the step and create a new case and enter valid value in date of birth field still displaying a message "This field could not be blank. Customer age must be 25".
Any help is really appreciated.
Here is the detail of the step.
As a customer, I want to make sure I provide the correct and required customer information so that I can ensure my rental reservation information is accurate.
Add the following validation to the Collect Customer Information step:
Good Morning! I am having a trouble on step -107. After completing the configuration of the step and create a new case and enter valid value in date of birth field still displaying a message "This field could not be blank. Customer age must be 25".
Any help is really appreciated.
Here is the detail of the step.
As a customer, I want to make sure I provide the correct and required customer information so that I can ensure my rental reservation information is accurate.
Add the following validation to the Collect Customer Information step:
- Require all fields except for Postal Code
- Date of Birth must be in the past
- Expiration Date must be in the future
- Password field must be at least eight characters long and masked
- Email address must be in a valid email format
- Customer must be at least 25 years of age as of today
Technical approach
- In Dev Studio, open the section for the Collect Customer Information step. Access the cell properties of each field to configure required and minimum length settings.
- On the Expiration Date and Date of Birth properties apply the IsFutureDate and NotFutureDate edit validate rules respectively
- Use the following date function in a validation rule to check for customer age:
@DateTimeDifference([DateofBirthProperty]+"T000000.000 GMT",@(Pega-RULES:DateTime).CurrentDateTime(),"Y")<25
Email -- Proprietary information hidden
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update Platform Capability tags****