
Accenture Services Pvt Ltd
Last activity: 28 Feb 2017 3:32 EST
Error in log after upgrade websphere from to
We have Pega7.1.9 running on WAS Proprietary information hidden. We will update PRPC to 7.2.2. So we upgraded WAS to Proprietary information hidden. After upgrading WAS while starting application with PRPC7.1.9 we are getting below error in log. Could you please help to resolve this.
Just to mention application is starting and we are able to login as well but seeing errors like below. Attached the full log.
[2/23/17 11:49:46:605 EST] 00000078 EJBMDOrchestr E CNTR0075E: The user-provided class "com.pega.pegarules.internal.etier.interfaces.EJSRemoteStatelessEngineBMT_f2439d86" needed by the EnterpriseBean could not be found or loaded.
[2/23/17 11:49:46:619 EST] 00000078 SharedEJBRunt E WSVR0068E: Attempt to start EnterpriseBean PegaDEV_PRPC#prbeans.jar#EngineBMT failed with exception:
tionException: Bean class com.pega.pegarules.internal.etier.interfaces.EJSRemoteStatelessEngineBMT_f2439d86 could not be found or loaded